

Switzerlands National Cyber Defense Strategy

  • Topic: Cyber Security
  • Time: 20.02.2024, 11:00 to 11:30
  • Location: Main Stage
  • Language: German English

The CISO of Commando Cyber of the Armed Forces highlights the challenges in cyberspace and in information and communication technology and describes the capabilities that the Swiss Armed Forces must develop by the mid-2030s in order to effectively counter future threats.

Event sponsors

Swiss Armed Forces


Diego Schmidlin

Diego Schmidlin

Head of Cyber and Electromagnetic Security and Defense, CISO Cyber Command

With over 30 years of experience in cyber security, Diego Schmidlin heads the Cyber and Electromagnetic Security and Defense Division in the new Cyber Command. He is responsible for protecting the information and communication systems of the Swiss Armed Forces against threats and effects from cyber and electromagnetic space.

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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