

Hack the brain: Cybercrime trends and their dangers

  • Topic: Cyber Security & New Technologies
  • Time: 21.02.2024, 15:30 to 16:00
  • Exhibitor: SoSafe GmbH
  • Location: Tech Stage
  • Language: German English

Cyber criminals are developing new strategies to penetrate our systems at top speed. In 85% of cyberattacks, they rely on the human factor and instrumentalize our emotions to circumvent technical barriers. New technologies such as AI, geopolitical events and increasing digitalization are accelerating the development of cybercrime. But what does this mean for organizations? How big is the risk really? And is cybersecurity still purely an IT issue - or much more part of the business strategy?

Event sponsors



Charline Kappes

Charline Kappes

IT-Sicherheitsbeauftragte SoSafe

Charline Kappes studied economics and has been working full-time at SoSafe GmbH since 2020 after working in politics and the insurance industry. As a certified IT security officer, she offers an in-depth insight into the field of cybersecurity awareness with all its facets and subtopics.

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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