

How safe is Switzerland?

  • Topic: Cyber Security
  • Time: 21.02.2024, 15:00 to 16:00
  • Location: Main Stage
  • Language: German English
Whether profane cybercrime or state cyber espionage, religious radicalization, violent extremism or human trafficking. The threat vectors have risen sharply through the cyber channel. How does Switzerland counter the heterogeneous threat situation? How do the federal government, cantons, municipalities and civil society work together? How does national crisis management work? The Swiss Security Association SVS, the Cyber Parliamentary Group and the Forum Security Switzerland FSS provide information.


Martin von Muralt

Martin von Muralt

Delegate of the Confederation and cantons for the Swiss Security Network SVS Delegate of the Swiss Security Network SSN

Martin von Muralt was appointed delegate by the Confederation and the cantons in May 2022. He is responsible for managing the affairs of the political platform, the operational platform and the working groups. He has extensive experience in various areas relevant to cooperation in security policy, including police and criminal justice, at federal and cantonal level.

Florian Schütz

Florian Schütz

Director of the Federal Office for Cybersecurity

The former Federal Cybersecurity Delegate and head of the former National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) has been Director of the Federal Office for Cybersecurity (FOCC) since 2024 and is the point of contact for politicians, the media and the public for the coordinated implementation of the National Cyber Strategy. He has also chaired the OECD Working Group on Security in the Digital Economy since 2022.

Maja Riniker

Maja Riniker

National Councillor FDP

Maja Riniker was a member of the Grand Council in the canton of Aargau and President of the Commission for Public Security (SIK). She is also Co-President of the FDP Frauen Region Aarau. She was elected to the National Council in 2019 and is also President of the Swiss Civil Defense Association (SZSV).

Gerhard Andrey

Gerhard Andrey

National Councillor Die Grünen

In the 2019 Swiss parliamentary elections, he won the Greens' first seat in the National Council for the canton of Fribourg. He is a member of the Finance Committee (FK) and the Security Policy Committee and is the first deputy in the Committee for Economic Affairs and Taxation. He is also a member of the National Council office as a vote counter. Since 2021, Andrey has been a member of the Federal Chancellery's Digitalization Reflection Group.

Tobias Schoch

Tobias Schoch

Chief Information Security Officer & Deputy Chief Security Officer (CSO), AXA Switzerland

Tobias Schoch is Chief Security Officer (CSO) at AXA Switzerland and brings experience from previous positions at Flynt Bank (Fintech Startup), LGT Privat Bank and Raiffeisen Bank. Tobias Schoch is a graduate computer scientist (Dipl. Ing. Inf. FH) and competed 3 different Certificate of Advanced Studies. With his in-depth specialist knowledge, Tobias Schoch brings very valuable insights to the industry.

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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