What do the women say?

What would have to change in the world of cybersecurity for more women to get involved in the fight against cybercrime?

I believe it is crucial to implement educational initiatives to encourage early education in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) areas among women and girls. This will allow them to develop an interest and recognize the incredible potential that exists, especially in technology and areas such as cybersecurity, necessary for a safer society. It is also important to create inclusive work environments, fostering diverse work teams, regardless of gender, and providing equal pay.

You are a celebrated role model for young women who see their future in quantum computing. What advice would you like to give today's young women on how to successfully gain a foothold in this field?

I would encourage young women to cultivate their curiosity and explore beyond their comfort zone. Today, there are several opportunities at our fingertips through digital platforms. I would suggest that they watch coding videos and would also encourage them to explore the field of cybersecurity together with their friends to provide mutual support and motivation.

What would you like to have achieved with Girls in Quantum in the next 10 years?

I aspire to build Girls in Quantum into one of the leading learning platforms for emerging technologies like quantum computing. We seek to not only provide employment and educational opportunities, but also collaborate with external entities to provide scholarships. Technology not only helps us solve everyday problems, it can also close gaps, and that is precisely what we aim to achieve at Girls in Quantum. Our goal is to expand our reach to regions we have not yet reached, reaching more than 50 countries and benefiting more than 50,000 students, especially girls. Currently, we have impacted more than 3,000 students from 21 countries, and with the right motivation and support, we hope to reach our goal in the next 10 years.

Elisa Torres

Founder & CEO at Girls in Quantum

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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