Hallenplan zeigen
Halle 2.2, Stand F011

Apostrophy is a mobile software ecosystem rooted in the Swiss principles of privacy and data sovereignty. Designed to connect people without exploiting or monetising their data, it offers a purposeful alternative in today’s data-driven world. With its bespoke operating system, Apostrophy gives users control over their mobile experience. Features include a private app store, over-the-air updates, an on-device VPN, and Threema preinstalled for secure, encrypted messaging. Compliant with Switzerland’s rigorous data protection laws, Apostrophy is dedicated to safeguarding user rights.


Via Losanna 4
6900 Lugano

Soziale Netzwerke

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Swiss Cyber Security Days
18. - 19. Februar 2025

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  • Über die Swiss Cyber Security Days
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  • Ticketshop
  • Geländeplan

  • Über diese Anwendung

    Ausstellende Networking Party Programm Geländeplan