

Do you know your PaaS AI security posture?

  • Thema: Cyber Security
  • Zielpublikum: IT Leader
  • Zeit: 21.02.2024, 10:30 bis 10:50 Uhr
  • Aussteller: Wiz
  • Standort: Best Practice Stage 1
  • Sprache: Englisch

AI sees rapid adoption within organisations. This creates new security risks. In this session we are presenting four question you should be able to answer to understand your AI security posture.

Lieuwe Helmus is a solutions engineer at Wiz. Before joining Wiz and moving in the security space, Lieuwe helped customers with a range of technology changes. These technologies range from cloud transformation, application performance management and DevOps. He started his career in helping companies to adapt modern software engineering practices.

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Swiss Cyber Security Days
18. - 19. Februar 2025

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