Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

Voices on the SCSD 2024

As a participant at the Swiss Cyber Security Days 2024 in Bern, I had the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts from the industry and immerse myself in the world of cybersecurity. The atmosphere at the conference was electrifying, and the presentations and discussions shed light on the complex challenges we face.

The speakers emphasised time and again that cybersecurity is not just a technical matter. It is about our digital lifeline - the protection of our data, our privacy and our society. Discussions with managers and IT managers were inspiring. We are all part of this digital world, and sharing experiences and best practices is invaluable.

The discussions about artificial intelligence and its challenges were also central. On the one hand, AI offers enormous opportunities, but on the other hand, we need to be aware of the potential risks. We need to use AI responsibly to avoid misuse.

To summarise: cybercrime affects us all, whether at work or at home - we are all potential targets. The SCSD has once again made me realise that education and caution are crucial. I leave with a heightened awareness of cybersecurity and a firm resolve to do my bit to make our digital world a safer place.

Marcel Kunz

CIO/CDO at Kilchenmann AG

Having invested consistently and positively in the training and practice of digitalisation processes over the last 20 years, Portugal is now a mature, dynamic, and resilient technological country in the field of cybersecurity and IT in general. However, it needed a platform through which it could present concrete proof of its competence, the quality of its highly qualified human resources and its technological products to Swiss companies and organisations. The Swiss Cyber Security Days offered the venue and the means to present this Portugal. Participation in the event was positive and we are already looking forward to more extensive participation in 2025.

Ana Maria Rosas

Director of AICEP Portugal Global; Portugal, Country pavilion at the Swiss Cyber Security Days 2024

A few intensive days are over. Many thanks from our side to the organisers of the Swiss Cyber Security Days and BERNEXPO GROUPE. From our point of view, the trade fair was a great success. The feedback on our offline high-security solution was consistently positive and the dialogue with other exhibitors and visitors was very interesting.

archivsuisse AG

Exhibitor at the Swiss Cyber Security Days 2024

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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