Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025


Quantum security cryptography

  • Topic: Science & Academia
  • Time: 18.02.2025, 13:30 to 14:15
  • Location: Tech Stage
  • Language: German French English

Description Topic and exact time of the keynote will be updated shortly.


Dr. Marc Ph. Stoecklin

Dr. Marc Ph. Stoecklin

Principal RSM and Head of Cybersecurity, IBM Research Zurich

Marc Ph. Stoecklin is a Principal Research Scientist and head of the Security Research department at IBM Research in Zurich. He co-leads IBM’s research strategy on quantum-safe cryptography, with a particular focus on cryptographic algorithms, cryptography implementations, and migration plans and tooling. He holds a PhD degree in Computer, Communication, and Information sciences from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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