Speakers 2025
38 Entrées

Dr. Marc Ph. Stoecklin
IBM Research Zurich
Principal RSM and Head of Cybersecurity, IBM Research Zurich

Damir Bogdan
Quantum Basel

Dr. Jean-Marc Rickli
Head of Global and Emerging Risks, Geneva Center for Security Policy GCSP

Serdar Günal Rütsche
Head of Cybercrime Cantonal Police Zurich & Head of NEDIK

Mauro Vignati
ICRC, International Committee of the Red Cross
Advisor on new digital technologies of warfare at ICRC

Prof. Dr. Touradj Ebrahimi
Director Multimedia Signal Processing Group EPFL, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL

Le conseiller fédéral Guy Parmelin
Département fédéral de l'économie, de la formation et de la recherche
Dr. Martin Schmatz
IBM Research Zurich
Secure Computing & Key/Certificate Management, QSC, IBM Research Zurich

Prof. Maura Pintor
Assistant Professor in the PRA Laboratory of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Cagliari, Italy

Thomas Süssli
Head of the Swiss Armed Forces

Caroline Troein
Cybersecurity Lead Researcher, ITU

Prof. Dr. Florian Tramèr
Professor of Computer Science ETH Zürich & Head of the SPY laboratory

Lino Santos
Head of National Cybersecurity Center Portugal (CNCS)

Urs Rhyner
Head InventxLab & Service Portfolio Management
Christoph Ammann
Pascal Reiniger
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Kanton Basel-Landschaft

Raphaël Auphan
Chief Operating Officer, Proton AG