Swiss Cyber Security Days 2025
18 - 19 February 2025


Switzerland: the nation's cyber situation

  • Topic: Cyber Security
  • Time: 20.02.2024, 11:30 to 12:00
  • Location: Main Stage
  • Language: German English

How big, secure and complex is Swiss cyberspace? Or how do you measure and visualize something that is physically imperceptible? We provide answers to precisely these questions: using a scientific scan, we visualize the entirety of Switzerland's cyber dimension, i.e. all devices, firewalls, infrastructures and servers connected to the public Internet.

Event sponsors

DREAMLAB Technologies


Nicolas Mayencourt

Nicolas Mayencourt

Global CEO Dreamlab Technologies and Program Director SCSD

Nicolas Mayencourt is the founder and Global CEO of Dreamlab Technologies, a Swiss IT security company that has been hacking the computer systems of companies, states and authorities for over 25 years - legally and at their request - in order to subsequently develop suitable security concepts and solutions. As programme director of the Swiss Cyber Security Days, Mayencourt is also responsible for putting together the two-day programme.

Prof. Dr. Marc K. Peter

Prof. Dr. Marc K. Peter

Global Transformational Leader Member of the management board Dreamlab Technologies Head of Competence Center University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland

Prof. Dr Marc K. Peter heads the Digital Transformation Competence Centre at the FHNW School of Business, whose research focuses on digital transformation, cyber security, new work and workplace transformation. Digital transformation in SMEs is one of his specialisms. He also supports global cyber security projects and is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and a member of the advisory board of the Davos Digital Forum.

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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