Swiss Cyber Security Days 2025
18 - 19 February 2025


Automation, a path to security

  • Topic: Cyber Security & New Technologies
  • Time: 21.02.2024, 14:30 to 15:00
  • Location: Tech Stage
  • Language: German English
The combination of software development, network automation and full-service network engineering forms the basis for creating agile, resilient and future-proof infrastructures. These are able to adapt to constantly changing market, technology and security requirements.

Event sponsors

zebbra AG


Marco Stieger

Marco Stieger

Co-CEO & Founder, zebbra AG

As an expert in the field, Marco Stieger provides insights into the implementation of automation techniques that not only increase operational efficiency, but also sustainably strengthen the resilience of networks to constantly changing requirements. He specializes in the provision of innovative software solutions for companies, which he offers concrete and sustainable added value with pragmatic approaches.

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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