Swiss Cyber Security Days 2025
18 - 19 February 2025


Cybercrime as a threat to Switzerland

  • Topic: Cyber Security & Science
  • Time: 21.02.2024, 11:00 to 11:30
  • Location: Main Stage
  • Language: German English
Cybercrime as a threat to Switzerland - and how it can be countered with research and innovation

Cyber attacks pose a threat to both the private and public sectors. Universities are no exception. They must respond appropriately to threats from cyberspace and protect the valuable data of university research. Find out how ETH Zurich is helping to increase Switzerland's resilience.

Event sponsors

ETH Zürich


Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot

Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot

Präsident der ETH Zürich

The Swiss physicist Joël François Mesot is a full professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich and has been the President of ETH Zurich since 2018, having been elected by the Federal Council. He previously designed and realised the neutron time-of-flight spectrometer FOCUS at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI before moving to the University of Illinois, Chicago, where he conducted research into quantum materials on synchrotons. He then returned to PSI, where he headed the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering. He was later awarded a titular professorship at ETH Zurich and a dual professorship in Zurich and at the EPF in Lausanne.

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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