

Findings and consequences for national cyber security agendas

  • Topic: Cyber Security & Digital Sovereignty
  • Time: 20.02.2024, 13:00 to 14:00
  • Location: Main Stage
  • Language: German English

NATO has defined and recognized cyberspace as an area of warfare. Cyber defense is therefore an inseparable part of collective defense. Because one thing is clear: without partners, there can be no protection against cyber attacks.

Audrey Tang will be joining with a video message.

Event sponsors



Christian-Marc Lifländer

Christian-Marc Lifländer

Head of NATO Cyber Defense Section

As Senior Cyber Policy Officer on NATO's International Staff, Christian-Marc Lifländer is responsible for the development and implementation of cyber defense policy across NATO. Previously, he worked as an advisor in the Estonian Ministry of Defense, as Director of Policy Planning and Advisor to the Minister of Defense. Lifländer has received several awards from the Estonian Ministry of Defense for his work.

Audrey Tang

Audrey Tang

Minister of Digital Affairs, Taiwan

She was able to program at the age of eight, is considered a first-class hacker, is the first transgender minister worldwide and is committed to digital democracy. Today, she is considered the first Taiwanese free software programmer as well as the first Minister of Digital Affairs of the Republic of China. Audrey Tang is known for the invention and main development of the PAR tool and the initiator and leader of the Pugs project. She has been involved in over 100 Perl projects and introduced smoke tests and digital signatures in CPAN.

Tomáš Minárik

Tomáš Minárik

Head of the International Organisations and Law Department at NÚKIB

National Cyber and Information Security Agency NÚKIB Tomáš Minárik has headed the International Organisations and Law Department at the Czech National Agency for Cyber and Information Security (NÚKIB) since 2019. Prior to that, he worked as a researcher in the legal department of NATO, focusing on legal aspects of cyberspace operations, activities of international organisations in cyberspace and cyber defence exercises. Previously, he worked as a legal advisor for the Czech Ministry of Defence.

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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