Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025


Swiss Cyber Security Days (SCSD) is Switzerland’s leading dialogue and knowledge platform in the field of cyber security. Attacks from cyber space are one of today’s greatest threats to global stability and threaten all areas of modern life. SCSD reflects this with the motto "Eye of the Cyber - create tomorrow" and offers a diverse range of top-class presentations, workshops, and panel discussions, as well as a variety of exhibitors from the security sector.

Over the course of two days, there will be numerous motivating and inspiring presentations by renowned experts, shedding light on the social, economic, and military dimensions of cyber security while outlining potential improvements.

That says..

In the face of growing global challenges such as climate change, the spread of infectious diseases and the increasing importance of artificial intelligence (AI), it is crucial to take proactive and forward-looking measures.

David Marti

Programme Officer, Pour Demain

The metaverse opens up the opportunity to interact with others or work together, regardless of physical limitations or origin. Last but not least, the metaverse can contribute to better education.

Dr. Sebastian Klöss

Head of Consumer Technology AR/VR & Metaverse, Bitkom e.V.

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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