Grégoire Barbey

Grégoire Barbey

Journalist & Co-Autor Le temps

Grégoire Barbey trained at the business and financial newspaper L'Agefi. He developed digital topics at and has been working for Le Temps since December 2023, where he is still responsible for cyber topics. Passionate about politics and technology, he looks at these topics from the perspective of their impact on society. Barbey is also the co-author of "Notre si précieuse intégrité numérique", a book about precious digital integrity.

Cybercrime: threat to the 4th estate in the state

Cybercrime: threat to the 4th estate in the state

Language: German French English
20.02.2024, 17:00 to 17:45
Main Stage

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the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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