What does science say?

With your think tank, “Pour Demain”, you are working hard to build a positive, safe future for our children and grandchildren. Why is this now more important than ever?

Where to start? In the face of proliferating global challenges, from climate change to the spread of infectious diseases and the increasing significance of artificial intelligence (AI), proactive and forward-looking measures are a matter of urgency. On top of this, technology and science are making rapid progress, which bears many risks as well as opportunities. These risks need to be evaluated carefully and with foresight.

We have a responsibility towards future generations. Ideally, we would like to leave them an inspiring world worth living in.

You are particularly concerned about AI. What is so special about the technology for Pour Demain to pay so much attention to it?

AI is a fundamental technology with an enormous capacity for transformation. It could turn virtually all aspects of human life upside down, from business to medicine to education. The advent of powerful AI systems creates new ethical and security challenges that require careful study and regulation. Considering the fast-paced nature of AI development, policy-makers must absolutely be educated about the potential of this technology. They need to be well-prepared so they can put sustainable, effective frameworks in place.

During the Swiss Cyber Security Days 2024, you will be awarding the “AI Safety Prize” for the first time. Who is this awarded to and why?

The prize honours research that improves safety in the development and application of AI systems. It will go to projects which make a significant contribution to raising awareness of the importance of AI security among the public, in academia and in politics.

By the way: anyone can apply to be considered for the AI Safety Prize. We look forward to all submissions. The deadline is 31 December 2023, all details are available on our website: https://www.aisafetyprize.ch.

David Marti

Program Officer KI, Pour Demain

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
17 - 18 February 2026

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