

Software Defined Defence - Algorithms at war

  • Topic: Cyber Security
  • Time: 20.02.2024, 15:15 to 16:15
  • Location: Tech Stage
  • Language: German English

The demands on national defence capabilities have risen sharply. Software plays a key role in this; it will determine victory or defeat on the battlefield of the future. Short development cycles, adaptability, scalability and resilience: Software Defined Defence as the basic idea of armed forces development is intended to utilize and expand the capabilities of national defence.

Event sponsors

Microsoft Bitkom e.V. Bundeswehr


Dr. Pascal van Overloop

Dr. Pascal van Overloop

Microsoft Germany, Industry Consultant Defence & Intelligence

Internationally experienced director and consultant with a proven track record in leading and developing business and sales strategies for consultancies, technology and innovation, based on analytical skills and scientific rigour. Extensive experience in research and consulting sensitive industries.

Stephan Ursuleac

Stephan Ursuleac

Head of Defence & Public Security, Bitkom e.V.

As an expert in defense and public security, Stephan Ursuleac is responsible for cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Defense, the German Armed Forces and the Federal Ministry of the Interior. In particular, this involves the use of AI, quantum computing, crypto technologies, the effective fight against cybercrime and the modernization of the procurement system.

Admiral Dr. Thomas Daum

Admiral Dr. Thomas Daum

German Chief of Cyber and Information Domain Service

After training as a naval officer and studying computer science at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich, Thomas Daum served as a naval gunnery officer in the speedboat flotilla and as deputy commander of the 3rd speedboat squadron in Flensburg. He was also Head of the Information Technology Department at the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support in Koblenz. Daum was also Deputy General Manager, Chief of Staff and Chief Operating Officer of the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) in Brussels. Since 2020, he has been responsible for the management of the Cyber and Information Space organizational area.

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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