

FBI Cyber Threat Briefing

  • Topic: Defense
  • Time: 19.02.2025, 11:15 to 12:00
  • Location: Main Stage
  • Language: German French English

The FBI, as the U.S. government's lead investigative agency for cyber incidents, combats both criminal and hostile state cyber attacks. FBI Division Director Todd Hemmen will present the FBI's role in the U.S. government's response system, discuss current cyber threats, and highlight the FBI's and its partners' diverse commitment to imposing risk and consequences on hostile actors. Audience members will receive an overview of the FBI and its Cyber Division, the current cyber threat landscape, and the FBI's collaboration with international partners.


Todd Hemmen

Todd Hemmen

Cyber Technical Analytics and Operations Section FBI Cyber Division

Section Chief (SC) Todd Hemmen heads the FBI’s Technical Analytics and Operations Section. Supporting the mission to impose risk and consequences on cyber adversaries, SC Hemmen leads the Cyber Division’s development and deployment of world-class capabilities. SC Hemmen oversees technical support efforts including complex data set analysis, high-priority incident response, critical forensic evidence collection, and disruption of adversary infrastructure. SC Hemmen joined the FBI in 2004 and has worked in investigative and leadership roles across criminal, national security, and cyber programs.

the Swiss Cyber Security Days
18 - 19 February 2025

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