

FBI Cyber Threat Briefing

  • Topic: Defense
  • Time: 19.02.2025, 11:15 to 12:00
  • Location: Main Stage
  • Language: German French English

The FBI, as the U.S. government's lead investigative agency for cyber incidents, combats both criminal and hostile state cyber attacks. FBI Division Director Todd Hemmen will present the FBI's role in the U.S. government's response system, discuss current cyber threats, and highlight the FBI's and its partners' diverse commitment to imposing risk and consequences on hostile actors. Audience members will receive an overview of the FBI and its Cyber Division, the current cyber threat landscape, and the FBI's collaboration with international partners.


Joel DeCapua

Joel DeCapua

Assistant Legal Attaché – Cyber, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation

Special Agent DeCapua works at the U.S. Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, as an Assistant Legal Attaché. He serves as the FBI’s liaison with Swiss law enforcement, coordinating joint efforts to combat cybercrime and cyber-espionage. With over 15 years of law enforcement experience, Special Agent DeCapua has been on the frontlines of investigating malicious cyber actors and responding to cyber-attacks. As an operator on the FBI’s Cyber Action Team, he deploys worldwide to collect evidence during network intrusions.

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