

Quantum computers and the threat to digital security

  • Topic: Emerging Technologies
  • Time: 19.02.2025, 13:30 to 14:15
  • Location: Main Stage
  • Language: German French English

This presentation highlights the potential threats to current cryptography posed by powerful quantum computers and the resulting risks to digital communication. It provides an overview of the state of quantum computing development and introduces new quantum-safe algorithms standardised by the US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2024. It also discusses the impact on the security of today's digital communication and data processing as well as recommended mitigation measures and practical solutions.


Dr. Marc Ph. Stoecklin

Dr. Marc Ph. Stoecklin

Principal RSM and Head of Cybersecurity, IBM Research Zurich

Marc Ph. Stoecklin is a Principal Research Scientist and head of the Security Research department at IBM Research in Zurich. He co-leads IBM’s research strategy on quantum-safe cryptography, with a particular focus on cryptographic algorithms, cryptography implementations, and migration plans and tooling. He holds a PhD degree in Computer, Communication, and Information sciences from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.

Marco Brenner

Marco Brenner

Program Executive, IBM Quantum

Marco Brenner works as a Program Executive at IBM Quantum in Switzerland, with a special focus on cryptography and state-of-the-art data protection solutions to support confidentiality and compliance. He works as part of IBM Research on innovative solutions and is responsible for their implementation with businesses around the globe. Marco holds a master’s degree from ETH Zurich in Computer Science with a specialization in Cryptography and Information Security, and an MBA from Henley Management College/University of Reading.

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17 - 18 February 2026

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