Speakers 2024
37 Entrées

Elisa Torres
Founder & CEO at Girls in Quantum

Gazmend Huskaj
Head of Cyber Security, Geneva Center for Security Policy GCSP

Natalie Silvanovich
Team Leader Project Zero (North America), Google

Stephan Ursuleac
Head of Defence & Public Security, Bitkom e.V.

Dr. Pascal van Overloop
Microsoft Germany, Industry Consultant Defence & Intelligence

Dr. Marc Ph. Stoecklin
Principal RSM and Head of Cybersecurity, IBM Research Zurich

Florian Schütz
Director of the Federal Office for Cybersecurity

Dr. Sebastian Klöss
Head of Consumer Technology AR/VR & Metaverse
Bitkom e.V.

David Marti
Programme Officer, Pour Demain

Damir Bogdan
CEO QuantumBasel

Charline Kappes
IT-Sicherheitsbeauftragte SoSafe

Richard Gachoki
Network Engineer, Information & Cybersecurity Expert
Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA)

Audrey Tang
Minister of Digital Affairs, Taiwan

Christian-Marc Lifländer
Head of NATO Cyber Defense Section

Diego Schmidlin
Head of Cyber and Electromagnetic Security and Defense, CISO Cyber Command

Lukas Mäder
Rédacteur technique

Nicolas Mayencourt
Global CEO Dreamlab Technologies and Program Director SCSD

Oliver Zihlmann
Co-responsable du bureau de recherche, Tamedia

Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot
Präsident der ETH Zürich